Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well, we have made it to Election Day! I have checked my list of things that needed to be done by today and I checked it again.

I had some friends help me last night call people on my voters list just to send out one more reminder!

I will be going to vote on my lunch today. I cannot say who I am voting for but I am sure you have a pretty good idea?

I know we need the rain but I do wish that it stays calm today so people will get out and vote. Rain does hinder people from wanting to get out.

Not much to say...too much running through my mind. I need to get to work now. The wife is on her way to her 8am "jeneric" appointment. Good news about the wife, her fever broke last night and she is feeling much better this morning. Thank you for your prayers for her and for your prayers for the Election today.

Stay tuned to the results tomorrow. I did find out that it will probably be as early as 8pm that we get the results!!!

So, hopefully the next time that I write to you, I will be writing as Bombadays-City Council-District 2.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I didn't know Jen was sick.....Glad she isn't anymore