Monday, August 25, 2008

The Day Before Tomorrow!

So...Tomorrow is the day...Election Day that is!!!

As you can imagine the City is covered in campaign the point of overkill; especially from the Mayoral candidates. I have a lot out there myself but not all in one place. If I can remember I will try and take a picture of the signs before tomorrow is over.

I will be working tomorrow as there is nothing else I can do at that point. When you are going to vote you are either going before work, during lunch, or after work on the way home and you do not want to be bothered and you have your mind made up. Since council also run for a District I would have to stop and ask you what district you are in, etc. Plus, we can only campaign 30 feet from the entrance and that would be the street.

Still keep Jennifer in your prayers. She is still sick and needs to overcome this. She has a "jeneric" doctor's appointment tomorrow to see how things are moving along, which we know that they are moving along great!


Jamie said...

I'm ready for you guys to start posting some belly pics since I'm not getting to see my friend as much lately!

Eric said...

I haven't gotten to see my wife lately either.

Valerie said...

I'll be voting tomorrow!...and I second the baby belly pic request! I took pics of myself and scrapbooked them. It is fun to look back and see how big you get and then how you just magically shrink back to normal size (for most people). Oh, and some people swear that vitamin E and lotions will prevent stretch marks. I had one lady look at me and say, "I bet you didn't do anything did you? I lotioned and put vitamin E on every night and I didn't get one mark!" Let me tell you. I did everything in the book..vitamin E, palmers butter, no avail. So, tell Jennifer to start now and just pray for favor! Maybe she'll have better luck than me. Or maybe she'll have lots of "love marks" as we call them. I wouldn't change them for ANYTHING if it meant not having my kids!