Wednesday, August 29, 2007


The bible says that, "Without vision the people perish."

This week T.D. Jakes has been speaking on "VISION: I Can See Clearly Now!" Today was the same and he spoke about having Faith with the Vision.

I love the way God knows what you need to hear when you need to hear it. Jakes continued to talk about having a vision statement for yourself and your business.
I started on one today for our home.

The bible also says that, "For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord..." Though he knows the plans, we should each have a "vision plan" for ourselves, familes, business, etc. As long as we are seeking and serving him he will reveal the way for us. As long as we are walking in the light and not darkness he will show us the path to take. Very rare will we receive the "audible" voice of God but it is the peace that we have about what we are asking.

What is your Vision statement...

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