Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Living w/o Facebook

I decided Sunday that I would be taking a Leave of Absence from facebook for a while. The only thing that I would be doing is responding to FB messages that appear in my email or sending a FB message to someone if I do not have their email.

So far, so good! It had become very addicting and I would find myself checking on it numerous times throughout the day. Since I have a computer at my desk I would leave it minimized at the bottom of the screen and refresh the screen off and on just to see the latest who, what, when, where, how, why, etc. As if me knowing made a difference. Don't get me wrong, I like keeping up with friends but again, it had turn into an addiction.

It has been nice these past couple of days to not HAVE to know WHAT is going on. With that said, even now I want to sign-in and see what is going on and what I have missed. (addiction)

Everyone of "my friends" lives on FB will continue on whether I know about it or not. And if you haven't noticed, I have wrote on my blog 3 or 4 times thus far in the new year. Go Me! :)

Who knows how long I will be off of FB? I didn't give myself a certain time. I will return when/if I return. I guess the good thing is that each of you still get to hear from me through my Blog. It's like you are the "Chosen Ones!" :)

Have a great evening!

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