Monday, February 7, 2011


They say that when you have kids time goes by faster. Well..."THEY" are correct! I wake up on Monday morning and wonder how in the heck is it Friday afternoon already; and all this is happening before our boys are even out of diapers yet. Oh My!

Everything is as good in the hood as it can get I guess. We had a few days of sickness pass through the house but I think everyone is getting over it.

We are L-O-V-I-N-G our Church. I have to wonder to myself sometimes why I resisted this church for the past couple of years but I know we are were we are suppose to be. And to admit that I was wrong would be to admit that the Bride was right and, well, we are not going there. :o

God is showing me a lot of things and to put it mildly...My book has been read a few times. It is all for the good though. It's that whole pruning and breaking off the dead. It hurts but it is for my good!

I've started a list of things to do in our house. Little updates here and there and saving up for major ones like a new roof and new windows.

We are getting ready for Corban's 2 year birthday party. I wish you could see him! He is so darn cute and boy does he have an attitude; which he gets from his mom. I know one thing for sure, he knows what he wants and doesn't want and isn't afraid to let you know! Don't worry though, I am being the Godly Father I should be and taking out the belt and wearing that backside out, ALL in the name of Jesus of course and telling him that, "this hurts me more than it hurts you." You know, the things our parents told us as we were getting a beating. Okay, okay, he's not getting beatings...yet anyway. But he is just like me and well, enough said. Just keep Jennifer and Asher in your prayers! :)

Asher will be 5 months on the 17th. He is the total opposite of Corban and will be as tall as Jennifers Dad...aka...Coach. Asher is nothing but smiles all the time and loves to fall asleep on his daddy. Which I don't mind because that actually allows me to have some down time.

We are holding off on purchasing a new vehicle. It is just so darn hard to get another car, with a car note, when the two vehicles you have are paid for.

So, there you have it, Bombadays it in a nutshell!

Have a great evening!

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