Thursday, November 4, 2010


I haven't found the right thing to blog about lately so that is why you haven't heard from me. I don't want to use my blog like I do facebook and post the same things on both. I want to start using my blog as a way to reveal my heart and share other things so keep checking back, I will post something eventually.

One thing though...Next Wednesday is my court date to go before the judge about my speeding ticket. I think I have decided to just ask for driving school, attend a class on a saturday, pay the $120.00 and keep it off my record. The thing is though, everytime I think about the day I got pulled over, which is everyday, I feel that I should plead not quilty and tell the judge why?!?! The only thing about pleading not quilty is, if the judge does not see it your way you do not have the option of asking for driving school instead. (or atleast that is what I have been told) I really need clarity on what to do. "Dear Lord, please show me!"

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