Monday, May 10, 2010

Praying with your Spouse!

Why is it so hard to pray with your spouse, boy/girlfriend or fiance? We can sometimes stop what we are doing and pray for a friend quicker than for our own mate.

I think it is because your mate knows you VERY well and, if you have been together for 6 months or more, they have seen the "other side" of you that others may not have seen or that you keep from them.

When you and your mate have been fighting, things might have been said in the heat of the moment and though you may have made up the memory is still there.

I have a hard time praying with my wife. I love her dearly and pray for her all the time, but we don't pray together like we should. Say, EVERY day!

Satan is known as the "accuser of the breathern and therefore loves to condemn me and put thoughts into my head like, "why pray with her, she knows you don't love her. Remember how you acted the other day. When you are praying together she isn't even listening, etc. etc. etc." Does this sound familiar to anyone else or is it just me?

LIES, LIES, and MORE LIES from satan.

We (I) MUST remember the POWER of prayer! Mountains are moved when we pray! Strong holds are broken! Doors are opened and closed! Our faith is tested and made stronger! Our paths are made clearer! Satan is crushed under our feet! And surprisingly, the relationship with our mate is not as complicated as it seemed to be!

There is POWER in prayer and praying together! The bible verse that says, "Where two or more are gathered in My name...,etc" makes a lot more sense now!

Lord, forgive me of not praying with Jennifer like I should. Forgive me for not loving her as You loved the church and gave yourself for us!

Satan, you are goin D-O-W-N!!!


Vickie said...

This is awesome Eric and I think you ought to copy and paste it and share it in a note on facebook!

Valerie said...

VERY good post...and so true. I think we get so busy with everything else in our lives TOGETHER, that we skip the prayer part...It is definitely something we need to prioritize!