Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pics as promised from our Baby Goodies...


Mom said...

Nice tub!

and crib too!


Valerie said...

For the record: I noticed a blue "lovey" in the baby bed: If you have a lovey for your child...buy 2 or three identical ones. If the original is lost then life is over. Ariana has four lovies and Felicity has one. I cannot tell you how much easier life has been with Ariana's many lovies than with Felicity's single. Plus, you are not running around the house at night before bed trying to find the ONE lovey. There are extras. Jamie can back me on this one!

Nicole said...

I cooked Fajitas last night and my FIL said "man this chicken is good! what did you cook it in?" It was the seasoning you brought me!!! I use that stuff all the time and I always have compliments! Can you buy it anywhere????

I thought the $1,000 was a love offering for my family!

Unknown said...

awwww...there's my grandbabies stuff! Love the crib...