Monday, November 8, 2010

Sometimes... have to let people go through things and even though you may have the means to help them, you will only hurt them more by doing so.

You may think that this is contrary to what the Bible says but let me remind you of two verses. They are in different places in the bible but are both true. I am paraphrasing: 1)If you see a brother in need and have what they need but do not help them, shame on you. 2)Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him how to fish and he will eat for a life time.

So, back to what I said at the beginning, "Sometimes you have to let people go through things and even though you may have the means to help them, you will only hurt them more by doing so."

So, where do you draw the line? Here is what I think:

You, nor I, are peoples Saviour. If we continually bail them out of situations, if we are their crutch in everything, then they will never learn to run, lean on, and trust the true Saviour Jesus Christ, who is the Lord of ALL!

We as humans need to vent, release, and talk about stuff to others. Letting it all out to another is fine but once you have listened to what they needed to vent, release, etc, leave it there and do not take it upon yourself as your problem. It is not your problem. Why add another "worry" to your life.

My personality is one that I jump into "FIX MODE!" If there is a problem I will fix it and I will work until it is fixed. Who am I though to think that my solution is better than what God Almighty can and will do for that person. If I chose to jump in there and work on their situation then I am getting in the way of what God wants to do for them and I am showing them that no matter what they can always come to me and I will fix it for them.

So, be that friend where your friend(s) can come to you and talk to you about things they are struggling with, or things they may need, just remember to listen and not feel that you have to act upon it. Encourage them to talk to God about it and lay it at His feet. If lead, pray for them right then. If it is something that you are able to assist them with go ahead, just don't feel that it is your responsibility because most of the time, things we are going through are things that will make us stronger in the end.

Remember, the title of this blog is "Sometimes". You, as a Christian, must discern what to do in each and every situation, but I do know that it is not our place to FIX anyone. In everything though, do it out of Love. Just like there is a way to say "yes" in love, there is also a way to say "no" in love.

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