Not my choice and something I am proud of, not Alabama's choice either. Way to go Alabama!
My convictions are strong and my convictions are different than Obama's. One thing I am certain of, "Many people voted their heads instead of their hearts." If there was no other reason to have Obama in office the fact that he believes in abortion should have been the #1 reason why he should not have won. Forget redistribution of wealth, etc.
Remember this people, he believes that killing a human being is okay. He is planning on pulling all the troops out and bringing them home which will leave us open to...well, "one can only imagine what it will leave us open/vulnerable to." Do I want to war to end, Yes. But, we can not just pull out and run home.
Is Obama a Christian? Does he serve the Almighty God that I serve? All signs point to...NO! But this one thing I know, God did not get "knocked off the Throne" from last nights results. God is still the Alpha and Omega and Obama is still...just a man!
Christians, the government was placed over us.(Romans 13:1). We have to respect that. I know you all prayed for this election and now we continue to pray just as we would if McCain had won. Our leaders always need our prayers and support.
History was made last night. History would have still been made if McCain had won. We make history everyday. Yesterday was history and today will be history tomorrow.
John 8:12 says, "I am the light of the World." See, I told you God did not get knocked off the throne!